International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility

EMC Europe 2023, September 4 – 8, Kraków, Poland
Time until end of the Conference
Thank you for joining EMC Europe 2023! We hope and believe you had a wonderful time in beautiful Kraków and enjoyed the Conference. Looking forward to meeting you all again at EMC Europe 2024 in Bruges!
EMC Europe 2023 in Kraków, after five days (September 4-8, 2023), came to an end. We hope (and based on conversations with the Participants we dare to say we are sure) that you had enjoyed our Conference – scientifically, educatively and technically, and that you had wonderful time – both during our accompanying events and during you own exploration of beautiful Kraków – historic city of Polish Kings.
We would like to thank from our hearts to all the Participants, Authors, Exhibitors and all involved in the Conference’s success.
See you next year in Bruges – the site of EMC Europe 2024!
General Information
Organizers of leading International Symposium on electromagnetic compatibility in Europe are very pleased to invite all those working in the field of electromagnetic compatibility to Kraków for the EMC Europe 2023 symposium. Conference covers the entire scope of electromagnetic compatibility including emerging technologies.
Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers on their latest research results focusing on all EMC aspects.
The intent of EMC Europe 2023 organizers is to create a forum for scientific and technical information exchange between researchers and practicing engineers from academia, research laboratories, industry and government agencies. The symposium gives the unique opportunity to present the progress and results of their work and to exchange ideas, discuss different points of view and share experiences with colleagues involved in EMC. It is also an excellent opportunity to make valuable acquaintances and gain useful contacts with people from the EMC field.
EMC Europe 2023 will be held in Krakow at the Congress Centre of the Qubus Hotel****, located close to the city center (1,5 km to the Old Market), from September 4th till September 8th 2023.
The Symposium is composed of 5-days with oral and poster presentations, workshops, tutorials, special sessions, short-courses, industrial forum and technical exhibition as well as meetings and accompanying events. During the conference the IEEE EMC Society (IEEE EMC-S) is organizing “IEEE Senior Member Elevation Event” and IEEE EMC Society Poland Chapter (IEEE EMC-S PC) is organizing “IEEE EMC Society Chapters Meeting”.
IEEE EMC-S Poland Chapter supports also organization of workshops and tutorials , which are called “EMC Marathon” at the EMC Europe 2023 program. Workshops and tutorials are scheduled for the first day (Monday, 4th September,2023) and last day (8th September 2023) of the EMC Europe 2023 conference.
Reviewed and accepted papers presented at the conference oral or poster sessions will be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore® database.
The Best Symposium Paper and Best Student Paper will be selected and awarded by the International Steering Committee.
Kraków is the second largest city of Poland and was the official capital of Poland and the seat of Polish Kings until 1596. It is one of the leading centres of Polish academic, economic, cultural and artistic life. Kraków is the most beautiful and fascinating city in Poland, known primarily for its grand historic architecture. The Old Town with the large Old Market place and Wawel Royal Castle was declared the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The attractions include not just the splendid architecture and the treasures of art, but also the unique ambience of the former Jewish district and the masterpieces of Polish Art Nouveau, monuments and museums.
And thanks to large density and variety of bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants, Kraków sparkles with life and gives the opportunity to spend time in a variety of ways and have many amazing experiences. For these and many others reasons Kraków is the top tourist destination of Poland.
Krakow is easily accessible from around Europe by car, train or plane. The international airport offers many direct connections and is located within the city border, so the trip from the airport to the city center takes about 40 minutes. Thanks to the compact city centre the conference venue, hotels, restaurants, shops, museums and entertainment are within walking distance.
We do hope you will enjoy both the Symposium and your stay in the magic city of Kraków
Zbigniew Joskiewicz
Organizing Committee Chair
Jan Sroka
Programme Committee Chair