Final conference programme

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Final programme – Schedule at glance

Symposium final programme (September 5 – 7, 2023)

A schedule of sessions at EMC Europe 2023 is provided below. More detailed conference program is available at following address: or click the picture to see the program for the day.

Special sessions at EMC Europe 2023 (proposals)

Special Session 1
Physical Layer Security and Hardware Supply Chain Security: EM tricks keep your information and devices safe” organized by Yuichi Hayashi (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) and Frank Leferink (University of Twente/THALES, Netherlands)

As the importance of information security continues to increase, so does the importance of physical layer security, just like upper layer security. In recent years, advances in measuring instruments, faster computers, and larger memory devices have made it easier for attackers to carry out advanced attacks that were previously technically difficult. These threats have also spread beyond the military and diplomatic fields to consumer products.
In this session, we will focus on electromagnetic information security, which is difficult to detect because it is hard to find evidence of attacks through electromagnetic waves. We will also explain the threat of information leakage through electromagnetic waves affecting consumer equipment. To counter these threats, we will introduce measures that make it harder to measure leakage information, which can be applied to all information equipment regardless of the mechanism of information leakage or the upper layer protocols or applications. Additionally, hardware supply chain security has become increasingly important as a physical layer security measure in recent years. The supply chain for hardware products has become more complex and globalized, making it more vulnerable to threats such as the inflow of counterfeit products and hardware tampering. The increasing use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and 5G has made hardware products more attractive targets for attackers. Therefore, in this session, we will also discuss the security measures needed to protect customers and stakeholders from these risks and ensure their continued trust.

Special Session 2
EMC Diagnostics of Complex Systems” organized by Vladimir Mordachev (Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR))

EMC diagnostics is a detection of unintentional interference in complex radioelectronic systems containing enormously large number of different spurious electromagnetic couplings and operating in severe external electromagnetic environment. Such systems may be both on-board (e.g., aircraft, ship, orbital station, etc.) and ground-based (e.g., airport, seaport, radio communication and wireless data transmission centre, 4G/5G/6G service area, etc.).
Main features and main specificity of EMC analysis and design at this level are in the following:

  • in high complexity and structural heterogeneity of the specified systems including radio equipment of various radio services (mobile and fixed communications, radio location, radio navigation, etc.), computers and equipment for information processing and display, the data communication networks, the developed subsystem of electric power supply, etc.;
  • in necessity of the simultaneous account of an enormously large number of spurious electromagnetic couplings of various types, influences of interference on ports of all possible types (RF, signal, power supply, control, etc.);
  • in high complexity of external electromagnetic environment (EME) created by thousands of modulated pulse and continuous electromagnetic disturbances of extremely high dynamic an frequency range;
  • in joint presence and joint solving of EMC problems and problems of electromagnetic safety, electromagnetic ecology and electromagnetic protection in some major cases (cellular networks, on-board radio-electronic systems, ground-based radio objects, shielded spaces with radio-electronic equipment and personnel, etc.).

These features cause the specific requirements to the mathematical models, algorithms, and EMC criteria used for EMC diagnostics of complex systems.

Special Session 3
In-situ Electromagnetic Emissions Measurements: Challenges and Solutions for Assessing Atypical Equipment” organized by Serdar BÜYÜK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of TÜRKİYE (TUBITAK)) and Marco Azpúrua (EMC Barcelona)

This special session is dedicated to technical contributions on the topic of in-situ emissions measurement and how to overcome the challenges around it. Research contributions are invited providing innovative, yet practical, solutions for assessing electromagnetic interferences in harsh, in-situ, conditions, ranging from novel testing methods, to advances in instrumentation technology and algorithms, as well as study cases of EMC testing involving atypical equipment or carried out in complex environments. Several standard committees are working on in-situ EMC testing methods (CISPR 37, IEC 61400-40, IEC 62920, etc.), so that the discussion of standardization efforts and contributions is also encouraged in terms of prospective and retrospective studies.
Regarding the content, this session is meant to be balanced between state-of-the-art knowledge and more application-oriented work. Therefore, attendees and contributors from industry, academia, consultants, regulatory agencies and standardization experts are all welcome. This Special Session is organized in the framework of the EMC-STD project “Metrology for emerging electromagnetic compatibility standards” (21NRM06) funded by EURAMET.

Special Session 4
Electromagnetic interference measurement and modeling for low-frequency electronic and power systems and the possible mitigation techniques” organized by Amr Madi (Zielona Gora University, Poland) and Cathrine Feloups (University ot Twente, The Netherlands) and Sviatoslav Voskresenskyi (University of Nottingham, UK)

The reduction of electromagnetic interference (EMI) is regarded as crucial in many applications. Therefore, this special session will address some of the issues concerning electromagnetic interference in low frequency electronic and power systems. This session is meant to attract researchers who are interested in EMI from various applications and how to reduce it. The framework includes power converters and renewable energy. The special session is organized in the framework of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (Horizon 2020) projects European Training network Of PhD researchers on Innovative EMI Analysis and Power Applications (ETOPIA) and European Training network in collaboration with Ukraine for electrical Transport (ETUT).
The special session will include seven papers, covering the following topics:

  1. EMI modeling and measurement in electronic circuits
  2. Modeling and measurement of EMI in renewable energy power systems
  3. The modelling of power converters emissions.

Special Session 5
Evaluation of RF environment focused on the outdoor workers’ exposure Jolanta Karpowicz (Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB), Poland), Sachiko Yamaguchi-Sekino (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan) and Victoria Ramos González (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain)

The outdoor space (urban or rural) is the environment shared by a dense population of sources of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (EMR) used in radiocommunication or other purposes, outdoor workers and other citizens performing daily life activities. The open space is a work environment for performing various tasks, such as cleaning the place, construction, service, transportation, cutting grass and other plants, watering plants, plowing the snow, street trade and food, etc. Consequently, it is among the important topics of the electromagnetic environmental research to study the pattern of EMR exposure of such workers, is some cases comparable to the EMR exposure of other citizens, in other cases very specific with respect of the prolonged duration of exposure, shorter distances to EMR sources, more complex exposure pattern or specific co-factors of exposure. Permanent changes in the structure of radiocommunication services and their physical infrastructure belongs to the most important challenges in this field of research.

The special session will include papers covering the following topics: EMR exposure modeling and measurement focused on the outdoor workers exposure scenarios; Available and indispensable tools for characterizing or monitoring EMR exposure of outdoor workers; Health effects related to the EMR exposure of outdoor workers and risk communication.

Special Session 6
“Risk-based EMC” organized by Asif Ali (UPC, Spain), Miriam Gonzalez (KU Leuven, Belgium), Sebastian Salas Laurens (TU/e, The Netherlands), Tiago Nunes (PLUX Wireless Biosignals, Portugal), Anne Roch (TU/e, The Netherlands) and Davy Pissoort (KU Leuven, Belgium)

With the introduction of more complex electronic devices, the challenges regarding EMC are increasing. This complexity has highlighted the necessity for industries that deal with complex systems to adopt risk-based engineering practices. For some years now, the European “Blue Guide” on the implementation of EU product rules, together with the EMC Directive, mentions the change to a risk-based approach for the compliance of new electronic devices that will go into the market. The risk-based approach is proposed to adapt to the current changes and create more resilient products. Further research in the field of risk-based EMC would benefit industries such as healthcare, automotive, maritime, and aviation, which require safety-critical solutions. The raising interest in this problematic was the motivation for the creation of two European research projects, PETER and ETERNITY, where close to thirty PhD candidates conduct their research in the field of electromagnetic compatibility. These are spread across Europe working with academic and industrial institutions raising awareness over this topic and thus attracting professionals from both worlds. This special session will allow PhD researchers from both ETERNITY and PETER project, as well as other contributors, to present their work in the field.

Program of Workshops and Tutorials (September 4 and 8, 2023)

Click the picture to see the workshops and tutorials program for the day.

Register for the workshops and tutorials at: . For some of them it is required   (mostly thouse organized in rooms with limited capacity or for a small grups of attendees) and for others it is iniformative only – indicating your preferences. To register please select the session you are interested in, enter some of your personal data including your registration number and submit the application.